Columbarium Spaces are still available. Visit our webpage here or call the office 770-393-3255 ext 139 for more information.
Funeral Arrangements information
Parish Verification is requested for Catholic school applications, to be a godparent, or confirmation sponsor. All Saints needs at least six months of history to be able to confirm an active parishioner. Make sure you have completed your parish registration and are making a sincere effort to contribute to the church offertory.
Active Catholic Expectations
- Celebrating the Sunday Liturgy with us on a regular basis.
- Making a sincere effort to participate in some of our parish ministries.
- Making an effort to tithe (5% to parish & 1% to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal)
- Parish envelopes are provided for your convenience. Your use of them verifies your presence at the Sunday Liturgies & your financial support.
- All envelopes are recorded & provide the pastor with the founded hope that you are an active member of the church.
- Catholic Schools: We get many applications for Catholic Schools from people who state they are active members of All Saints. The pastor is asked to honestly respond in writing to each of these requests as the response impacts the schools decision. Only persons who are active members by the above criteria receive a positive response.
- Sacraments outside of our parish: If you decide to have your sacrament performed outside of your parish, your pastor is required to honestly state in writing that you are an active registered member. Your active membership enables us to write such a letter.
- Persons asked to be sponsors must meet these standards