Padre’s Points to...
Illuminating Worship Dear All Saints Parish Family, With the celebration of the Presentation of the...
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Women’s Lenten Morning...
Start your Lenten Season Off With Inspiration! Mark your calendar for March 8 from 10am-Noon...
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Padre’s Points to...
Pilgrims of Hope: The 2025 Jubilee Year Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we...
Youth Group
Parish Ministries
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The Preschool at All Saints is blessed to welcome children from the ages of 12 months to 5 years. The morning program is from 9:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. All children bring their own lunch, as lunchtime is part of our daily routine.
We have 7 classrooms: an art studio, library, music lab, playground, gymnasium and our Pray & Play Meadow, an outdoor space to explore God’s natural splendor.
We invite you to browse our website for information on our philosophy, curriculum and class offerings. You may also follow us on Instagram for an extended look at the many fun events and activities we experience here at PAS.
EDGE | Life Teen | Confirmation
EDGE (Middle School) Combining formation with catechesis, we hope to reach our youth on a personal and spiritual level. Increasingly, foundational life decisions are set in middle school. We want today’s teens to experience a vibrant, Catholic culture with like-minded youth before they enter high school. EDGE nights are about twice a month on Wednesdays at 6:15pm, during the school year, with summer camp and retreat opportunities too.
Life Teen (High School) Our hope is that every Life Night is not only fun, but that teens are challenged to go deeper in their relationship with God and to know about their Catholic faith. Life Nights are held on Sundays at 6:15pm, after the 5pm teen Mass. Life Teen offers retreat, summer camp and leadership opportunities, and is the program for teens to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation Confirmation Prep at All Saints begins in the 8th Grade and continues into the 9th Grade, ending in the 10th grade year. The teens will then be Confirmed in the Fall of their 10th Grade year. The Program is now integrated into the youth programs. This means that class credit will be earned by attending the youth group.
Becoming Catholic
Adults can become through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Or Active Catholics can volunteer as sponsors. Read more.
Baptism preparation classes are held at 4pm in the parish center on the fourth Sunday of each month, except holidays. Please RSVP so we can prepare the appropriate materials for you. After completing the class, please schedule your date with one of the priests or deacons. All baptisms are individual by appointment.
Confirmation completes the Gifts of the Holy Spirit given to us in baptism, and strengthens us to live our Christian lives. Preparation for Confirmation is done through our youth group programs – EDGE (middle school) and Life Teen (high school).
Holy Eucharist
Eucharist is the communal meal we share during Mass, gathered around the altar. It is Christ’s body and blood, the sign of the new covenant He gave us at the last supper. Also referred to as First Communion, preparation for this sacrament is through the Parish School of Religion. Children must complete first and second grade PSR classes prior to making their First Holy Communion. Please see the PSR web pages for more information.
Confessions are heard on Saturdays after each Saturday’s 8:30am Mass, or by appointment. Confessions continue at each time until all waiting are heard. Also referred to as First Confession, preparation for this sacrament is through the Parish School of Religion.
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick asks for God’s healing and strength to those who are ill, facing surgery or serious medical treatment or are dying. That person is anointed by the priest, who prays on behalf of the Church for spiritual and physical healing, should that be God’s will.
Marriage is a sacramental union between man and woman, uniting them for lifelong partnership that seeks the sanctity of each, and is focused on the nurturing of children, who are a gift from God. Marriage arrangements must be made at least six months in advance to begin sacramental preparation. One of the parties must be a practicing Catholic and a registered participating member of All Saints. Please contact one of the parish priests or deacons to schedule your date. If you are not a parishioner here and have questions about having a wedding at All Saints, contact Jessica Duron Keane, jessicad@allsaintsdunwoody.org, 770-393-3255 x111.
Los Talleres de Preparación Matrimonial en español se ofrecerán en la Cancillería en el 2019 a través del grupo “LLASU” (Llamados A Ser Uno), en colaboración con la Oficina de Formación y Discipulado. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información y acceder al formulario de inscripción.
Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the gift of service to the Church that some men are called to. They may serve as deacons, priests and bishops. Their role is vital to the life of the Church, and they give their lives so that the Church can continue to celebrate the sacraments and spread the Gospel.
As home to 40+ various ministries, committees, organizations, and educational opportunities, All Saints is blessed with many opportunities for worship and fellowship. We pray God will reveal where He is calling you to offer your time and talent for the benefit of others.
For a full list of the many ministries available for you to take advantage of within our parish community and information about who to contact, visit our Directory page below.
As a reminder if you are planning any meetings or events at All Saints: In order to be sure that every meeting and event has a proper “home,” please contact Jessica Duron Keane in the Parish Office at 770-393-3255 ext. 111 or jessicad@allsaintsdunwoody.org before you start planning to make sure you have room availability. Thank you!
Additionally, if you are a ministry leader and have questions or need help regarding your ministry, please reach out to the Parish Council at pc@allsaintsdunwoody.org.
We though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another. Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them. – Romans 12:5-6