Confirmation at All Saints

Confirmation Prep at All Saints begins in the 9th Grade ending in the 10th grade year. The teens will then be Confirmed in the Spring of their 10th-grade year. The program is now integrated into the youth programs. This means that class credit will be earned by attending the youth group.

Unlike popular belief, the youth group is not only about bowling and eating pizza. It is Christo-centric (Christ-centered) and has a heavy emphasis on interactive catechesis. Life Nights combine formation and knowledge, thereby making it the best “classroom” environment for our Confirmation students.

Have questions or want more information about Confirmation?

Jesse Butrum
Director of Youth Ministry
770-393-3255 ext. 120

Requirements Overview10th Grade9th Grade

Requirements Overview: 

  • Register – Each candidate must register for the Confirmation program and submit all sacramental record information.
  • Volunteer OpportunitiesComplete 6 projects– we require that at least 3 service projects take place onsite.
  • Confirmation Sponsor: Select a sponsor who will ultimately play a very important role in a candidate’s Confirmation journey.
  • Saints Project: Must select a Confirmation Saint and complete the Saints Project.
  • Retreat: Teens are required to attend a retreat with the All Saints Youth Group. They can attend a Fall retreat, Spring, or Summer camp, or Steubenville Atlanta. School retreats, while we recommend them, DO NOT fulfill our requirements.
  • Letter of Intent: The candidate must write a Letter of Intent to either the pastor or a member of the youth ministry team. Due August 15th of the year, Candidates are to be confirmed. The letter can be emailed to the Youth Group Email account.
  • Rehearsal: This Will be held on the Sunday prior to the Confirmation Mass, at 1:30 pm. This rehearsal is mandatory for candidates and Sponsors. If the Sponsor is unable to attend the rehearsal, a stand-in is mandatory.
  • Mass: Our Confirmation date for 2025 is Feb. 8th at 10 am with Bishop Ned Shlesinger.

Non-Catholic School Teens – Everything in the section above PLUS:

  • Attend Life Teen Program: Attend 75% of Life Nights throughout the 9th and 10th-grade year. If a teen is getting confirmed after the 10th-grade year, please speak to us.

  • Battle Plan: Each summer we offer a one-week Confirmation crash course called Battle Plan. Any rising ninth or tenth-grade student seeking to learn more about the sacrament of Confirmation can attend, however, all candidates not enrolled in a Catholic school are required to attend a Battle Plan session before being Confirmed.

10th Grade Requirements Overview: 

Confirmation Registration Deadline August 15th, 2024

Letter of Intent Deadline August 15th, 2024

All paperwork due – December 8th, 2024

Please email all Paperwork to

These correspond to the different deadlines that must be reached during the year a candidate is to be Confirmed.

2024 Confirmation Date  – Our Confirmation date is Feb. 8th at 10am with Bishop Ned Shlesinger.

Things to do for all Teens:

  • Register– Each candidate must register for the Confirmation program and submit all sacramental record information.

    • Make sure you are a registered parishioner at a Catholic parish.

    • If you are registered at another parish submit a Letter of Consent from your poster saying your teen can receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at All Saints Catholic Church.

  • 6 Volunteer Opportunities: Complete 6 projects- we require that at least 3 service projects take place onsite.

    • For the offsite service projects, we want to empower the teens to get more involved in the community at large. If your teen has an idea of something that could be done but is unsure if it would qualify, don’t hesitate to ask.

    • With each of these service projects, we ask that the teens fill out the online Service Project Form

      •  This includes a picture of themselves participating in the project and answering a few questions.
  • Saints Project: Must select a Confirmation Saint and complete the Saints Project.

    • We take Saint names to draw close to a specific prayer warrior in Heaven who can pray for us and remind us of our baptismal calling to become saints. Often our Confirmation Saints serve as role models for us throughout our lives as we aspire to grow closer to God.

    • Teens must answer the following questions in their projects:

      • Which saint did you pick?

      • Why did you choose your saint?

      • Tell us some information about your saint.

      • Different ways a project can be completed:
        • Paper, PowerPoint, drawing, poem/rap, sculpture,
  • Confirmation Sponsor: A sponsor plays a very important role in a candidate’s Confirmation journey. He or she is able to:

    • Give witness to the Catholic faith and his/her personal relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, ministry, and honest sharing with the candidate.

    • Spend some dedicated time throughout the process with the Candidate reflecting on scripture, the Catholic faith, prayer, and what it means to live out your Catholic faith as a disciple of Jesus.

    • Serve as a faith-filled mentor to the candidate to help him/her process thoughts, concerns, and questions about Confirmation and the Catholic faith. Sponsors do not know all the answers, but they know how to listen and guide.

  • Retreat: Teens are required to attend a retreat with the All Saints Youth Group. They can attend a Fall retreat, Spring, or Summer camp, or Steubenville Atlanta. School retreats, while we recommend them, DO NOT fulfill our requirements.

    • Fall Retreat – Nov. 15th – 17th, 2023 at Covecrest. (Register Here)
    • Alive in You is June 25th – 30th, 2024 in Nashville.
    • Steubenville Atlanta is July 26th – 28th, 2024.
  • Letter of Intent: The candidate must write a Letter of Intent to either the pastor or a member of the youth ministry team. Due August 15th of the year, Candidates are to be confirmed.
    • Letters of Intent are written to show the pastor and/or youth ministry team “why it is that the candidate desires to receive the sacrament of Confirmation? “The minimum length of the letter is a paragraph.
    • If no letter is received, candidates will be required to sit down with either the pastor or a member of the youth ministry team for a Confirmation interview.
    • The letter can be emailed to
  • Rehearsal: Held on the Sunday prior to the Confirmation Mass at 1:30 pm. This rehearsal is mandatory for Candidates and Sponsors. If the Sponsor is unable to be at the rehearsal, for any reason, a stand-in is mandatory.

    • Confirmation Rehearsal – Feb. 2nd at 1:30pm
  • Mass: Our Confirmation date is Feb. 8th at 10am with Bishop Ned Shlesinger.

    • Mass Attire:

      • No jeans, shorts, flip-flops, tennis shoes, or hats

      • Guys: Dress shirt, tie, slacks, jacket, and/or dress shoes

      • Girls: Dresses and or Dress Pants, and Dress shirt. If you wear a halter, strapless, or spaghetti-strap dress, a light sweater must be worn at all times. Dresses must be a minimum length of three inches above the knee. If a dress that is too short is worn, a pair of leggings or tights will be provided.

Non-Catholic School Teens – Everything in the section above PLUS:

  • Attend Life Teen Program: Attend 75% of Life Nights throughout the 9th and 10th-grade year. If a teen is getting confirmed after the 10th-grade year, please speak to us.

    • Records are kept according to a sign-in sheet presented at check-in for Life Nights.

    • If a student misses a Life Night, LUX, and/or an XLT event can count as a make-up class.

  • Battle Plan: A Confirmation Crash Course – Each summer we offer a one-week Confirmation crash course called Battle Plan. Any rising ninth or tenth-grade student seeking to learn more about the sacrament of Confirmation can attend, however, all candidates not enrolled in a Catholic school are required to attend a Battle Plan session before being Confirmed.

    • Battle Plan: June 17 – 20, 2024.
    • If a teen cannot make the session, a thorough online at-home study will be provided.

All paperwork is due December 8th and can be emailed to

9th Grade Requirements Overview: 

Things to do for all Teens:

  • Register – Each candidate must register for the Confirmation program and submit all sacramental record information.

    • Make sure you are a registered parishioner at a Catholic parish.

    • If you are registered at another parish submit a Letter of Consent from your poster saying your teen can receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at All Saints Catholic Church.

  • Volunteer Opportunities – Complete 6 projects- we require that at least 3 service projects take place onsite.

    • For the offsite service projects, we want to empower the teens to get more involved in the community at large. If your teen has an idea of something that could be done but is unsure if it would qualify, don’t hesitate to ask.

    • With each of these service projects, we ask that the teens fill out the online Service Project Form

      •  This includes a picture of themselves participating in the project and answering a few questions.
  • Confirmation Sponsor: A sponsor plays a very important role in a candidate’s Confirmation journey. He or she is able to:

    • Give witness to the Catholic faith and his/her personal relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, ministry, and honest sharing with the candidate.

    • Spend some dedicated time throughout the process with the Candidate reflecting on scripture, the Catholic faith, prayer, and what it means to live out your Catholic faith as a disciple of Jesus.

    • Serve as a faith-filled mentor to the candidate to help him/her process thoughts, concerns, and questions about Confirmation and the Catholic faith. Sponsors do not know all the answers, but they know how to listen and guide.

    • Click here for the Sponsor Form

  • Retreat: Teens are required to attend a retreat with the All Saints Youth Group. They can attend a Fall retreat, Summer camp, or Steubenville Atlanta. School retreats, while we recommend them, DO NOT fulfill our requirements.

    • Fall Retreat – Nov. 15th – 17th, 2023 at Covecrest. (Register Here)
    • Alive In You is June 25 – 30, 2024 in Nashville.
    • Steubenville Atlanta is July 26th – 28th, 2024.

Non-Catholic School Teens – Everything in the section above PLUS:

  • Attend Life Teen Program: Attend 75% of Life Nights throughout the 9th and 10th-grade year. If a teen is getting confirmed after the 10th-grade year, please speak to us.

    • Records are kept according to a sign-in sheet presented at check-in for Life Nights.

    • If a student misses a Life Night, LUX, and/or an XLT event can count as a make-up class.

  • Battle Plan: A Confirmation Crash Course – Each summer we offer a one-week Confirmation crash course called Battle Plan. Any rising ninth or tenth-grade student seeking to learn more about the sacrament of Confirmation can attend, however, all candidates not enrolled in a Catholic school are required to attend a Battle Plan session before being Confirmed.

    • Battle Plan: June 17th – 20th, 2024.
    • If a teen cannot make the session, they will have another opportunity next summer.

Additional questions? Check out the FAQ page.

October 2024

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