We meet every Fridays in Lent to pray for the unborn and their moms in front of the Atlanta Women’s Center (Abortion Clinic) from 10 – 11am. The center’s address is 235 W Wieuca Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30342. Please park behind “All American Package Store” at 4499 Roswell Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30342 or if you’d like to carpool, we will meet at the rear of the church at 9:30am.
The All Saints Pro-Life committee is one of the most active parish pro-life groups in the Archdiocese, as we continue to promote and implement the Church’s theology of respecting life. Your participation is not only encouraged but necessary as we battle the culture of death that has permeated our society. Come join us on the side of truth as we make positive change through prayer, education, civil action and fund raising. Your involvement can be minimal or fully committed, yet either way you will save the lives of unborn babies. We know what side of the abortion issue Jesus is on. What side are you on?
Contact John and Arlene Gannon at johnjgannon@comcast.net if you have any questions.