9/15/23 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Domini Sumus — We are the Lord’s Our second reading this Sunday comes from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, and it’s in this very passage that he came up with the motto of St. Pius X Catholic High School…Domini Sumus, that is, We are the Lord’s. Do you see yourself as belonging to the … Continued

9/8/23 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Did you know priests come from seeds? The portion of his life that a priest spends in serious discernment and preparation for Holy Orders takes place at a school called a seminary, which gets its name from the Latin seminarium, which means “seed bed”.  The man planted in the seed bed for that time of … Continued

9/2/23 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Oasis Everyone is likely familiar, from the movies and shows we grew up with or from the books we’ve read, with the image of an oasis in the desert, that lush refuge of palm trees and clear springs, providing needed shade and respite, quenching deep thirsts for the weary desert wanderer. That word – oasis … Continued

8/26/23 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Going up in smoke Part of the joy of our Catholic faith is the ol’ “bells and smells,” and there’s no more Catholic smell than incense.  I grew to love incense so much after learning why the Church loves incense so much, and I hope you will fall deeper in love with this meaningful and … Continued

8/19/23 Padre’s Points to Ponder


I only ever got to take one official flight lesson.  It was a Cessna 152, a cramped two seater prop-job for normal-sized people, not to mention a person of my…well…largeness. Despite having spent countless hours on Microsoft Flight Simulator and studying aviation maneuvers in books, real-life flight proved to be significantly more involved.  Add to … Continued

8/12/23 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Fr. Michael’s First Pastor Article Dear All Saints Parish Family, Greetings!  I’m excited to bring you my first Pastor’s Bulletin Article! First, let me thank EVERYONE for your kind and warm reception of me as your new pastor.  Your many kindnesses are all greatly appreciated, and I’m beginning to feel right at home in the … Continued

A Pastor’s Greeting


Dear Parishioners of All Saints Catholic Church, Greetings in the Lord Jesus! It is a privilege and an honor to be here as your new pastor.  I just returned from a pilgrimage with the parish I’m departing, Christ Our King and Savior, in the footsteps of St. Francis, St. Clare, St. Peter and St. Paul in … Continued