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Divine Mercy Sunday

Greetings in the Risen Lord!

Friends, this second Sunday of Easter, the octave day of the Resurrection, we hear the Gospel of Jesus appearing to the Apostles and entrusting them with His power and mission to forgive sins.  

Divine Mercy is the very heart of the Gospel message.  Christ came to save sinners.  

Living in the early 1900s in Poland, St. Faustina experienced mystical encounters with Jesus, who revealed to her the depths of His mercy.  He stressed how our actions and inactions bear weight on how we will spend eternity; sin and its consequences, as well as grace and its consequences, are very real.  And God’s mercy, rightly understood and received, is none other than life changing.  The Lord instructed this young Polish nun to record these encounters in a diary and share them with the world.  He tends to “use the weak to shame the strong”.

This Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday, following the 12:15 Mass, we will have a special time of prayer and reflection to take in the message of Divine Mercy.  I sincerely hope you will be able to join us to pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy, to be encouraged and challenged by the words of Our Lord and the reflections of St. Faustina.

I am most grateful to our Divine Mercy apostolate here at All Saints who anchor the parish in this holy devotion.  May Divine Mercy flood our souls, causing us to flourish all the more as disciples of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ!

He is Risen, Alleluia!
He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael