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Faith and Works: Partners in Our Journey of Faith

As we journey together in our faith, it is essential to reflect on the profound relationship between faith and works, a cornerstone of our Catholic belief. This relationship is not merely a theological concept but a lived experience that shapes our daily lives and our eternal destiny.

St. James tells us:

For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.

James 2:26

This passage of scripture reminds us that genuine faith manifests in our actions. Our faith in Christ compels us to live out His teachings through acts of love, compassion, and service. It is not enough to profess our faith; we must also practice it.

At the heart of this teaching is the understanding that our good works are a response to God’s grace. They are not performed to earn salvation, but as a grateful response to the gift of salvation we have already received through faith in Jesus Christ. Our works are the fruit of our faith, evidence of the transformation that Christ has wrought within us.

The Church teaches that faith and works are inseparable. Through the sacraments, prayer, and the Word of God, our faith is nurtured and strengthened. This faith then inspires and empowers us to engage in works of mercy and justice, to care for the poor, to comfort the sorrowful, and to seek peace and reconciliation in our communities. As we reflect on this relationship, let us be reminded of the words of St. Teresa of Avila:

Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.

Our faith calls us to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world, to make His love tangible through our actions.

At All Saints we have 30+ different ministries that provide many assorted opportunities to live out this call. We have a number of parish centered ministries to consider, such as serving as an Usher at Mass or helping with the hospitality committee. We also have several ministries that are centered on community outreach such as St. Vincent de Paul or Habitat for Humanity. By visiting our website and clicking ministries you can find all the different ways that you can get involved and serve here at All Saints. Each act of service is a testament to our living faith.

Let us pray for the grace to deepen our faith and to express it through our works. May our lives be a reflection of the love of Christ, shining brightly in our families, our parish, and our wider community.

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!

All you holy saints of God, pray for us!

In Christ,
Seminarian Sean Lee