The Office of the Archbishop of Atlanta requires children to complete both First and Second grade PSR or be enrolled in a Catholic school in order to make First Penance and receive their First Communion. Children in second grade must have been baptized in the Roman Catholic Church in order to receive Reconciliation and First Eucharist. A baptism certificate must be turned into the Religious Education office as soon as possible.
**IMPORTANT: Parents of Second Graders who are All Saints parishioners but attending Catholic Schools, please register your child for First Confession and First Communion by contacting Dozie Bowen at ext. 119.
Attention First Grade Parents – the Archdiocese requires students who will be making First Confession and receiving First Communion to be enrolled in Parish School of Religion classes or Catholic School one year prior to the reception of these sacraments.
2024 First Communion was a great success! Congratulations to all.

First Eucharist Parent Meeting for 2025 is TBA. One parent must attend one of these meetings.
- First Communion Practice –TBA
- First Communion – TBA
All requirements (Baptism, First Confession and Parent Meeting) for receiving First Communion must be completed before.
Contact Dozie Bowen by email or at 770 393-3255, ext. 119.
Dear First Communicant Letter – “…As you go through life, you will face hard days. You will face sorrows and disappointments. But starting today, you will never be alone. Whenever you struggle, you can take it to Jesus, in the Eucharist. Through receiving him, you will always be held in his embrace…”
Altar Servers
Children who have made their First Holy Communion are eligible to become altar servers and is at least 7 years of age by this coming November is invited to become an Altar Server here at All Saints.
All Saints has a well-designed program in which children learn a lot about the Catholic Mass. Altar servers are assigned to teams of three and typically are scheduled to serve at one mass per month. For more information please visit the Altar Server page on the All Saints website. New parents information sessions are held in the library. Future dates to be announced.