Saturday, April 12Regular Mass schedule; Confession following 8:30AM Mass
Palm Sunday, April 13Regular Mass schedule; 10:30AM Mass
with outdoor procession (+ streamed)
Monday, April 14Regular Mass Schedule
Tuesday, April 15Regular 7AM Mass; No 9AM Mass
Wednesday, April 16Regular Mass & Adoration Schedule;
6-6:45PM Confession;
8PM Tenebrae in Church in the dark
Holy Thursday, April 17No 7AM & 9AM Mass

7PM Mass of Lord’s Supper; Blessed Sacrament in Repository in Social Hall until Midnight
Good Friday, April 18No 7AM & 9AM Mass or Adoration

1-3PM Seven Last Words of Christ with Divine Mercy Novena after; 3PM Liturgy of the Passion / Death of Our Lord
Holy Saturday, April 198:30-10:30PM Easter Vigil (+ streamed)

This is a 2-hour Eucharistic Liturgy, which starts outside and includes Lighting of New Fire, the Blessing of the Paschal Candle, Blessing of Holy Water & the Baptism / Reception of Candidates, Confirmation & First Eucharist for those being received into the Church.
Easter Sunday, April 206:30AM Church Mass
8:30AM Church Mass
10:30AM Gym Mass
10:30AM Church Mass
1:00PM Church Mass
No 5:00PM Mass
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27Regular Mass schedule; Divine Mercy Prayer Service after 12:15PM Mass