Sunday of the Word of God
Dear All Saints Parish Family,
This weekend, we celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God, a special observance instituted by Pope Francis in 2019 through his Apostolic Letter Aperuit Illis. This celebration, held annually on the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, emphasizes the importance of the Bible in the life of every Christian. The Holy Father encourages all Catholics to deepen their relationship with Scripture, reminding us that “the Bible is the book of the Lord’s people, who, in listening to it, move from dispersion and division towards unity and harmony.”
The Sunday of the Word of God highlights how sacred Scripture nourishes our faith, strengthens our commitment to God, and guides us to live as disciples of Christ. It reminds us that God’s Word is “alive and active” (Hebrews 4:12), and it calls us to listen attentively and proclaim it with joy.
How can we live this celebration fully in our daily lives? Here are some practical suggestions for you and your family:
- Participate in a Scripture Enthronement Ceremony at Home
Consider creating a sacred space for the Bible in your home, placing it on a prominent table with a candle and flowers. This serves as a reminder that God’s Word is at the heart of your family life. - Read and Reflect on the Sunday Readings Together
Spend time as a family reading the Mass readings before attending Sunday liturgy. You can find them in a missalette or online. Reflect on how the Word of God speaks to you today and share your thoughts with each other. - Join a Bible Study or Scripture Reflection Group
Participating in a parish Bible study or small group discussion can deepen your understanding of God’s Word and build fellowship with others who seek to grow in faith. - Pray with Scripture Daily (Lectio Divina)
Incorporate lectio divina (divine reading) into your personal prayer life. This prayerful reading of Scripture involves listening, meditating, praying, and contemplating a passage to allow God’s Word to transform your heart. - Share Scripture with Others
Share a favorite Scripture verse on social media or write it in a card to encourage someone. Let the Word of God bring light and hope to others.
As we celebrate this Sunday dedicated to the Word of God, I pray that we all find renewed desire for God’s Word and renewal through our encounter with it.
Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
All you holy saints of God, pray for us!
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael Silloway