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Baptism of the Lord (Jan 10)

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  One last time. Christ is born for us, and He makes all things new.  May these last days of the liturgical Christmas season continue to flood you with holy joy.

This weekend is the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord.  Our Lord was baptized by John not because He had sins to repent and be cleansed of, but for 5 primary reasons.

  1. To identify with sinners: He enters into our humanity so fully that He takes on the burden of our sin, a foreshadowing of the Cross.
  2. To sanctify the waters of baptism: By bringing His perfect human nature to the waters of the Jordan, He makes all the waters of baptism holy and efficacious for us.
  3. To reveal His divine identity: The Most Holy Trinity is revealed, The Father sends the Holy Spirit and declares Jesus His Beloved Son.
  4. To prefigure Christian Baptism: Being submerged then brought back up represents the Christian’s death to the kingdom of Satan and rising to new life in Christ Jesus.
  5. To “fulfill all righteousness”: Our Lord told John that His baptism was necessary to “fulfill all righteousness,” indicating His total submission to the will of the Father and His role in initiating the New and Eternal Covenant.

Never think of your baptism merely as the day you joined a Catholic club…no…because what happened to Our Lord at His baptism is the same thing that happened to you…what happened to Him by His nature is given to us by adoption: it was the day you became a child of God, the day your soul was rescued from Satan’s power, from the Kingdoms of Sin and Death.  You were purchased by the Blood of the Lamb of God.

The Holy Spirit put an eternal mark on your eternal soul, claiming you, creating the path of grace–divine life–within you.  The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ washed you clean.  The Heavenly Father declared “You are my beloved, in you I delight.”  You were brought into the Covenant.  

Do you celebrate your baptismal day?  I invite you to.  Find out when it is, and celebrate that day. Light a candle that reminds you that Christ, the Light of the World, has illuminated your mind and heart with the Truth. Wear something white to remind you of the garment placed on you that sacred day.  Come to Mass an extra time that week to hear the Word your ears were blessed that day to receive, and to participate in the very sacrifice that made it all possible.

I ask us all, especially this weekend celebrating the Lord’s Baptism, to pray for all the baptized who have fallen away, for whatever reason.  May the Lord heal what is broken, proclaim the Truth over the lies of the enemy, draw them back into the mystery of faith.  May the grace at work in all of us be a guiding light for them.

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
All you holy saints of God, pray for us!

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael Silloway