4/5/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Divine Mercy Sunday Greetings in the Risen Lord! Friends, this second Sunday of Easter, the octave day of the Resurrection, we hear the Gospel of Jesus appearing to the Apostles and entrusting them with His power and mission to forgive sins.   Divine Mercy is the very heart of the Gospel message.  Christ came to save … Continued

3/29/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


THE LORD IS RISEN AS HE SAID, ALLELUIA!  HE IS TRULY RISEN, ALLELUIA! Dearest All Saints Parish Family, Let the Alleluias ring as we declare with the greatest of joys that Our Lord Jesus Christ has conquered the kingdoms of Sin and Death.  By His wounds, we have been healed; by His rising, we are … Continued

Bulletin Advertisers Needed!


Mary Frericks from Diocesan (our bulletin publishing partner) is working to renew the ads currently running on the bulletin and to secure NEW bulletin ads. The bulletin is available in print and digitally online. We are grateful that this crucial communication piece is provided to our parish at no cost THANKS to the generous advertising support … Continued

3/22/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


The Amazing Events of Holy Week It begins…the most solemn and sacred time of the entire year: Holy Week. These seven days cover the most significant period of time in all of human history: the God who became man not only offered Himself to take away the sins of the world and rose to new … Continued

3/15/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


There will be a Stench We are coming into the home stretch of Lent, as this 5th Sunday is the last “normal” Sunday in the season.  Next weekend is Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week. And the Bible readings that will be proclaimed this weekend are all so clearly pointing us to the … Continued

3/8/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


On Catechumens and Candidates If you go to the 10:30 Mass, you will no doubt have seen our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) catechumens and candidates.  These are people who have been inquiring about the Catholic faith and are preparing to be brought into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter … Continued

Ushers Needed


All Saints is in need of ushers. Everyone is welcome; teenagers up to well, there is no age limit!  What is expected? You serve at the Mass you already attend. You select even months or odd months. What if you have to be out of town? That is not an issue. Your support during the … Continued

Seminarian Edition – Padre’s Points to Ponder


Why do we celebrate Lent? Have any of y’all asked that question (possibly as you smell the Chick-fil-a biscuits from across the street as you’re walking into Ash Wednesday Mass)? Lent is something that has become a sort of cultural event for Catholics; a part of us looks forward to receiving our ashes, enjoying a … Continued

Planning An Event?


Are You Planning Any Meetings or Events at All Saints? The parish is blessed with many opportunities for worship and fellowship. As a reminder, in order to be sure that every meeting or event has a proper “home,” please contact Jessica Duron Keane in the parish office at 770-393-3255 ext. 111 or email her at … Continued

Parish Prayer List


To have a name included on our Parish Prayer List, click here. Alternatively, write the name of a loved one who needs prayers in our parish Book of Intentions, located in the nave of the Church. Note: names will be added to our bulletin for two consecutive weeks. Have a special prayer intention you prefer not … Continued

Active Parishioner Requirements


All Saints receives many requests for parish verification for Catholic school applications, as well as Baptism and Confirmation sponsors, from people who state they are active members of All Saints. The Archdiocese of Atlanta defines an “Active Catholic” and “Active Parishioner” as: Celebrating the Sunday Liturgy with us on a regular basis. Making a sincere effort to participate … Continued

We Need You!


Interested in getting involved in 2024? All Saints offers a variety of ministries which will afford you many rewarding opportunities towards becoming an active member of our faith community. The Mass: Altar Servers, Lectors, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers Prayer: Eucharistic Adoration, Divine Mercy, Legion of Mary Service: Wedding Ministry, Women’s Guild, Altar Care, Greeters For more information … Continued

Drive Slowly Please


The Preschool is Back – Drive Carefully! Our wonderful Preschool is open. Please be mindful of the little ones and drive slowly and cautiously in the parking lot! Please remember that the speed limit at All Saints is 9 mph. Children are around our property during preschool hours and on Sundays for PSR. There is … Continued

2/23/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Embracing the Transfiguration Dear All Saints Parish Family, As we continue our journey through the sacred season of Lent, we are invited to reflect this weekend on the transformative power of the Transfiguration of Jesus. This remarkable event, recounted in this Sunday’s Gospel reading (Mark 9:2-10), offers us profound insights into our 40 days of … Continued

2/16/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Why Fast During Lent? Fasting has become more or less associated with dietary health, but it has a tremendously rich spiritual purpose.  Catholics are called to fast during Lent as a way of preparing spiritually for the celebration of Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a way of emptying ourselves out … Continued

The Elijah Cup


The Elijah Cup – Prayers for Vocations As many of you already know, church vocations are desperately needed due to the shortage of priests, and deacons throughout the world. Praying for vocations is the most powerful way to support God’s call to a religious life. The Elijah Cup ministry is a good way for all … Continued

2/9/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Lent: A Journey of Renewal and Transformation Dear All Saints Family, As we approach the solemn and sacred season of Lent with Ash Wednesday this week, we are invited to embark on a profound journey of introspection, repentance, and spiritual renewal. Lent provides us with a precious opportunity to deepen our relationship with God, to … Continued

2/2/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Lent is coming…FAST! It’s hard to believe, but the holy season of Lent is just around the corner, so I invite us all to prayerfully consider how we will enter in. Ash Wednesday falls on February 14, which is the traditional date of the feast day of St. Valentine.  I remind us all that, even … Continued

1/26/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


Praise God for Our Deacons In the 6th chapter of the book of the Acts of the Apostles, we read about the Holy Spirit inspiring the Apostles to invite certain men to help with the daily work of ministry, and calling them deacons (from the Greek word diakonia, which means “service”).  From that time on, … Continued

1/19/24 Padre’s Points to Ponder


What is happening in the Vatican? Some saint said “There is a particular piety that comes from having no idea what the pope in Rome is doing.” But in this “information tsunami” age we live in, especially in a time where the nation, the world, and even the Church are experiencing great temptations to division … Continued