Sacristans Needed

We are looking for a few volunteers to serve as sacristans at Mass in order to help set up and prepare for the Holy Mass. If you are interested please reach out to
We are looking for a few volunteers to serve as sacristans at Mass in order to help set up and prepare for the Holy Mass. If you are interested please reach out to
The All Saints Kids Praise Choir is back! The All Saints Kids Praise Choir is back! Open to children in 2nd grade and up (unchanged voices), the choir will rehearse on Thursdays from 4-4:45pm in the Parish Choir Room (PSR/Administration Building). The choir will sing at a Sunday Mass once a month (to be determined). If … Continued
Deus Providebit! (God will provide!) Dear All Saints Family, Thank you so very much for the warm welcome last weekend! I am truly grateful for the opportunity to meet so many of you and learn a little about your backgrounds as well. It makes me so excited for everything that this upcoming year will offer. … Continued
Are you interested in sharing your faith with the youth? Consider joining EDGE CORE team! We meet on Wednesdays twice a month from 6:15-8:15pm. If you love the Lord and desire to share that love with teens, this is perfect for you! Please reach out to Megan if you are interested at
Newness Abounds Dear All Saints Family, The Lord Jesus proclaims that He makes all things new (see Revelation 21:5), and He is working overtime here at our little slice of His Kingdom! Some great updates to share with you all: 1) Restore and Renew, 2) Blessed Carlo, 3) Our new Middle School Youth Minister, and … Continued
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Preschool Monthly Moms Fellowship, a special opportunity for preschool moms to grow in faith, build community, and connect with one another. Join us from 7:30 to 9:00 PM in the Scout Hut as we come together to read and discuss “Walking with Purpose” and pray for … Continued
Dear Parents, As we embark on another exciting school year, we’re eager to continue providing the best possible environment for our children to learn, grow, and thrive. To help us enrich our classrooms with engaging toys and essential supplies, we’ve created an Amazon wishlist. If you’d like to support our efforts, we warmly invite you … Continued
A Catholic Way to Celebrate Labor Day Growing up in New Jersey “back in the day,” Labor Day was always the last hurrah of summer break before school started again…a day thus marked with a certain amount of sadness, even as we were celebrating. My family would go to the public pool one last time, … Continued
Because not everyone can go to Fatima Our Most Gracious Mother will come to you! The Legion of Mary is excited to announce our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue program coming to All Saints. This program offers all parishioners a unique opportunity to have our Blessed Mother come to you. A beautiful way to draw … Continued
Dear All Saints Parish Family, After an amazing year serving here at All Saints it is with great sadness that I prepare to leave what has become my home. This past year has been an absolute gift from the Lord and I find myself marveling at all of the ways the Lord has shown his … Continued
Please consider joining the Adoration Ministry and sign up to spend an hour each week in the church with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. We have an immediate need for the 6pm hour on Wednesdays. Call or text Dana at 404-406-0850.
Padre from Spain You may have noticed over the past week or so that this is a towering, Spanish-speaking priest with us here at All Saints. His name is Fr. Joaquín Hernandez from the Archdiocese of Madrid. He is pastor of San Clemente de Roma in the southern part of the metropolis, a small parish … Continued
Sometimes Things Get Messy Though it was weeks ago, the National Eucharistic Congress is still bearing fruit… there’s a steady flame of fire in my heart, and I’m most grateful. A memory stirs that I think gives a beautiful spiritual insight beneficial to us all. So much of the Congress was impeccably planned and perfectly executed. … Continued
Dear Friends in Christ, I really enjoy being able to share good news with you. The Gospel, first and foremost, but also the good news of parish achievements and accomplishments. During the month of June we announced an initiative to add sacred art in our church depicting the Saints. After all, we are ALL SAINTS! … Continued
There have been a number of texts and emails lately posing as Fr. Michael requesting gift cards. Please be skeptical of all such requests as these are scams and are NOT legitimate! Fr. Michael will never ask for gift cards in an email. Please ignore or delete and do not respond or send ANY personal … Continued
Dear All Saints Family, I am freshly back from the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, where the whole parish was carried in my heart and prayer at adoration, at Masses, in the Procession, everywhere! My soul is filled to the brim with the graces of that experience. You’ll be hearing all about those graces for … Continued
The Heart of Renewal Before we get down to business with this weekend’s article, a quick word of gratitude for all who made the return of Vacation Bible School such a massive success! Over 50 children gathered each day this past week to learn about the Saints in a joy-filled, action-packed VBS. From my heart, … Continued
Renew and Restore Dear All Saints Parish Family, As all of us are aware, many things around our campus are in great need of repair, deep cleaning, and restoration, and the Archbishop has given us the go-ahead to raise funds for these projects. So it is with excitement and joy that I share with you … Continued
Faith and Works: Partners in Our Journey of Faith As we journey together in our faith, it is essential to reflect on the profound relationship between faith and works, a cornerstone of our Catholic belief. This relationship is not merely a theological concept but a lived experience that shapes our daily lives and our eternal … Continued
Understanding the Four Marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic If we want to dive deeper into our Catholic faith then we must first recognize and reflect on what the Catholic Church stands for. For us to do this it is essential to delve into what we mean when we profess our belief … Continued