Bringing Up the Gifts

If you would like to bring up the gifts during an upcoming Sunday Mass, please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please ask the Ushers for guidance.
If you would like to bring up the gifts during an upcoming Sunday Mass, please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please ask the Ushers for guidance.
All Saints Catholic Church is pleased to announce that we have received a grant award of $1,000 from the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia. These funds were used to make our “See the Saints” initiative come to life by helping us purchase the portraits.
O Come, Let Us Adore Him Dear All Saints Parish Family, Adeste Fidelis ranks up there for me with O Holy Night as a favorite Christmas hymn. The refrain of Venite adoremus…O come let us adore Him…gets me every time! A few years ago, I had the privilege of being the spiritual director of a … Continued
Christmas Chaos Dear All Saints Parish Family, Are you experiencing any form of Christmas Chaos? Things like family plans not coming together as you’d like, a sense of unpreparedness, loneliness, frustration that the year hasn’t gone like you thought it would, or even disappointment that your high hopes for Advent being more fruitful or meaningful … Continued
Rejoice, Y’all! Dear All Saints Parish Family, This third Sunday of the holy Advent season is called Gaudete Sunday, a title it gets from the entrance antiphon of today’s Mass: Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico, gaudete! It’s the Latin (which is still the official language of the Church) of Philippians 4:4 which reads: “Rejoice, … Continued
I have some incredible news to share with you…but before we get there, a couple of end of year (or liturgical beginning of year) reminders: And now for the pièce de résistance. When the cellphone tower was constructed here on our property, an electronic bell system was included, giving the parish the ability to announce … Continued
Prepare the Way! Dear All Saints Parish Family, I sincerely pray all of you had a delightful celebration of Thanksgiving. Now that the “holiday season” has officially begun, it behooves us to consider how the Lord, through His Bride, the Church, invites us to celebrate these next several weeks. First is to really consider the … Continued
Treating Jesus as a King Dear All Saints Parish Family, The last Sunday of the liturgical year is dedicated to Our Lord Jesus Christ under His title of King of the Universe. All things are under His sovereign rule, not just in the Holy Land from where He rose, not just from Rome from where … Continued
See the Saints! Dear All Saints Family, The unveiling of the Saint portraits on our parish feast day was a highlight moment that I won’t soon forget. Having our “little saints” dressed up in their saint costumes, all of us having just received Eucharistic benediction, singing God’s praises with our choir…it all came together so … Continued
A Tribute to Our Veterans On this Veterans Day, we pause to honor the courageous men and women who have served our nation with unwavering dedication and sacrifice. Their commitment to protecting our freedoms and defending our way of life is a testament to their bravery and honor. In Scripture, we find encouragement and inspiration … Continued
Jesus isn’t anxious…why are we? Imagine Jesus Christ, risen from the dead and ascended into the glory of Heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father, surrounded by angels and saints all celebrating the Wedding Feast of the Lamb…is he nervous or stressed out? Not at all. Can we say the same? We tend … Continued
For God’s Sake: Give Your Life Away The first week of November is loaded with tremendous celebrations…our parish feast day and holy day of obligation, All Saints Day, followed immediately by the Commemoration of All Souls. Then flowing from the celebration of those in Heaven, then those being purified for Heaven, the US Conference of … Continued
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd All Saints will begin the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level 1 for 5- and 6-year-olds beginning next school year. This will be in addition to PSR. If you are interested in helping out and would like to be a trained Catechist, yearlong classes will be starting on October 19 … Continued
The Elijah Cup – Prayers for Vocations Praying for vocations is the most powerful way to support God’s call to a religious life. The Elijah Cup ministry is a good way for all parishioners to participate in this prayerful ministry. For further information and to sign up, please visit our webpage and contact Kathy Richardson … Continued
Evil at Our Doorstep Dear All Saints Parish Family, Since early September and in fever pitch now, the American cultural vibe has been to push Halloween themes. Some of this is wonderful and helps us mark the changing of seasons. Some of it needs to be avoided at all costs. Pumpkin Spice, harvest themes, sweater-weather, … Continued
Principles for Voting like a Catholic Come Holy Spirit… Dear All Saints Family, Election season is at its fever pitch, and it’s usually the most divisive “moment” of every four years. Human lives are at stake, power dynamics are at play, and we’re led to believe that the election of the “other” will mark the … Continued
Festivities Are Coming It’s somehow October. I have no idea how, but it’s here. And that means that the floodgates are about to open on so many incredible celebrations! First, take a look at the saints on the calendar this month…there’s some heavy hitters! This month has the feast days of St. Thérèse, the Guardian … Continued
Rise Against Hunger Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 14…All Saints is partnering with Rise Against Hunger to help end hunger! Rise Against Hunger is an organization on the front lines of the food shortage crisis in many parts of the world. As their mission states, “Rise Against Hunger is a growing global movement to … Continued
Who You Gonna Call? Do you know that we have a Sacramental Emergency Line? Fr. Tan and I take turns carrying a special cell phone for just this purpose. Do you know how and when to use it? I’m here to shine some light on this critical aspect of Sacramental Ministry at All Saints. First, … Continued
Interested in joining the All Saints Parish Adult Choir? The Choir meets on Wednesday’s from 7-8pm in the choir room. An advance meeting including singing for the Music Director is required before showing up for rehearsal. Please contact Bernie at or call 770-393-3255, ext. 115 to arrange an audition.