Disciple Maker Index


The Disciple Maker Index Survey is Open! Our parish is on a journey to know, love, and serve Christ as a parish community. Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith. The first step in this process involves … Continued

Padre’s Points to Ponder – 3/7/25


The Disciple Maker Index Dear All Saints Parish Family, Being a Christian has been a challenge in every age of the Church. This happens because what the Church believes about God and salvation is almost never in concert with how a society or its culture understands itself, let alone how it may (or may not) … Continued

SVdP Food Drive


The St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive is scheduled for March 15-16, Saturday from 2-5pm and Sunday from 8am – 6pm. The need is great for non-perishable food items as the food pantry has been busy with more clients than ever. Please continue to donate and support this worthy cause!

Women’s Lenten Morning of Reflection


Start your Lenten Season Off With Inspiration! Mark your calendar for March 8 from 10am-Noon in the Social Hall for the Women’s Lenten Morning of Reflection. A light breakfast will be served, followed by a presentation by a talk by Fr. Ben Thomsen. All ladies are invited. Save the date on your calendar! Fr. Ben … Continued

Faith in Action


Meet the Saints! Faith in Action invites you to learn about the saints whose portraits enrich our sanctuary. Join us Thursday, March 6, 6:30-7:30pm in Monsignor Kiernan Hall for the first of four sessions and learn about Saints Maximillian Kolbe, St. Joan of Arc, and St. Monica. Subsequent meetings will be March 20, April 3, … Continued

March for Life

The Georgia March for Life will be held on Thursday, March 6 beginning at 11am in front of the GA Capital building. Members of the All Saints Respect Life Ministry Group will be attending the March. They will meet in the rear of the church on March 6 after the 9am Mass at All Saints to car … Continued

Men’s Welcome Weekend


March 1-2 A weekend program (no overnight stay!) presented by All Saints parish men and clergy. You will not be sharing your own story, but instead listening to our stories of how we recognized how God has been at work in our lives that will perhaps resonate with your own. There will be ample breaks, … Continued

Oasis This Tuesday


Oasis Eucharistic Holy Hour Our next monthly parish-wide Eucharistic Holy Hour will be held Tuesday, February 25 from 7-8pm in the Church. Everyone is welcome to gather in the church where we will spend an hour with Him, singing, lifting up our hearts, resting in Him. Plan to join us and encounter the Lord as … Continued

2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal


Serving more than one million Catholics, the mission of the Archdiocese of Atlanta is to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord and grow all of north and central Georgia in faith, hope, love, and service to others. Our theme for the appeal this year is “We are One Body in Christ.” Your gift and participation … Continued

Fish Fry Is Back!


The Knights of Columbus All Saints Fish Fry returns soon! Serving 5-8pm on the following six Fridays – March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4 and April 11. Proceeds benefit the many charities of the Knights of Columbus. Everyone welcome!

Widowed Group


The All Saints Widowed group meets on the third Thursday of the month at 5pm for dinner in the Dunwoody area. Every member receives an Evite stating the date, time, and location of the restaurant for that month’s dinner. An email address is needed to respond to the Evite. Please note that this is not … Continued

Padre’s Points to Ponder – 2/7/25


Illuminating Worship Dear All Saints Parish Family, With the celebration of the Presentation of the Lord now behind us, we 100% conclude our Christmas festivities.  But while the trees and lights have come down, I’m very excited to share with you that new altar candles and communion kneelers have arrived, and are being put to … Continued

Padre’s Points to Ponder – 1/31/25


Pilgrims of Hope: The 2025 Jubilee Year Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we step into 2025, we are blessed to celebrate a Jubilee Year, a sacred time in the life of the Church that invites us to deepen our faith, experience God’s mercy, and renew our commitment to living as disciples of Jesus … Continued

Padre’s Points to Ponder – 1/24/25


Sunday of the Word of God Dear All Saints Parish Family, This weekend, we celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God, a special observance instituted by Pope Francis in 2019 through his Apostolic Letter Aperuit Illis. This celebration, held annually on the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, emphasizes the importance of the Bible in … Continued

Basketball Free Throw Championship 


All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. For more information, please contact Bryan Kler @ klerbry@gmail.com or 404-944-6629. SAVE THE DATEDistrict Level Free Throw Competition (Winners of Council)Feb. 16, 2025 (Sunday), 10am-12pm, All Saints Gym State Level Free Throw Competition … Continued

Padre’s Points to Ponder – 1 /17/25


God’s Children are not for Sale Dear All Saints Parish Family, In this month of January, we are called to reflect on a sobering but urgent issue: human trafficking. Designated as National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, this time beckons us to be reawakened to the great evil of the countless lives exploited through modern slavery. … Continued

Padre’s Points to Ponder – 1/10/25


Baptism of the Lord (Jan 10) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  One last time. Christ is born for us, and He makes all things new.  May these last days of the liturgical Christmas season continue to flood you with holy joy. This weekend is the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord.  Our Lord was baptized by John not … Continued

Active Parishioner Requirements


Please email questions and completed forms to Catherine Barkes at cbarkes@allsaintsdunwoody.org. All Saints receives many requests for parish verification for Catholic school applications, as well as Baptism and Confirmation sponsors, from people who state they are active members of All Saints. The Archdiocese of Atlanta defines an “Active Catholic” and “Active Parishioner” as: Celebrating the Sunday Liturgy with … Continued

Padre’s Points to Ponder


New Year, New You?  HE Makes All Things New Dear All Saints Parish Family, First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS!  That’s right, it’s still Christmas, and what a glorious time it is.  The Christmas decorations will stay up in the church through the whole of Christmastide, which ends with the Feast of the Presentation of the … Continued