Illuminating Worship
Dear All Saints Parish Family,
With the celebration of the Presentation of the Lord now behind us, we 100% conclude our Christmas festivities. But while the trees and lights have come down, I’m very excited to share with you that new altar candles and communion kneelers have arrived, and are being put to use this week!
The Candlesticks
Do you know why we use candles in the celebration of the liturgy? They serve purposes both practical and theological.
Practically, before the dawn of electric lights in churches, the candles provided the light so the priest could read the prayers of the Missal and to focus the attention of the congregation on the altar during the celebration amidst all the other beautiful elements of the building and art.
Theologically and spiritually, the candles remind us of what Our Blessed Lord said in John 8:12, that He is the Light of the World. Also notice that as they “die,” i.e. burn down, we receive the gift of their light, like Christ, whose death gives life to the world. Made from 51% beeswax, they are costly, valuable, and we make that offering to the Lord for the sake of worship. Finally, the flames represent the prayers, faith, and devotion of the People of God, being offered up with the prayers of the Mass.
We purchased them not only to enhance the beauty of the sanctuary, but also because the candlesticks we were using are the one we need for the Adoration Chapel! More on that soon.
The Communion Kneelers
In the United States, the bishops have stated that the normal way of receiving Holy Communion is either on the tongue or in the hand while standing. However, if people wish to receive while kneeling they may. We have many parishioners who wish to do so. We had two matching kneelers, but they are rather small. We received a generous donation to upgrade them to something more timelessly beautiful and larger. And having six now, the option to receive Holy Communion kneeling is more easily facilitated no matter which section of the church you sit in.
These are simple upgrades, part of our Renew and Restore initiative, and many more are to come. Thank you for your patience, your kindness, your generosity as we tackle projects big and small. May it all be for the greater honor and glory of God!
Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
All you holy saints of God, pray for us!
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael Silloway