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Principles for Voting like a Catholic

Come Holy Spirit…

Dear All Saints Family,

Election season is at its fever pitch, and it’s usually the most divisive “moment” of every four years.  Human lives are at stake, power dynamics are at play, and we’re led to believe that the election of the “other” will mark the end of our nation.  

Though we are perhaps more politically polarized these days than in some previous election years, and most people have known who they were voting for since the last election, in this bulletin article, I want to give a few principles that should guide our discernment.

First, pray.  Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you, to help block out the noise, to help you hear the Truth, to give you prudence and wisdom.

Second, acknowledge that every politician lies about their opponent.  In these heated contests, a powerful strategy is simply to paint the worst possible picture of the opponent.  Positions are presented as “straw men,” fabricated exaggerations meant to scare the voter, but easily blown apart by even the most rudimentary research of a candidate’s position.  

Next, what are the issues at stake, and where do the candidates stand vis-a-vis our Faith?  HERE, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have put together a wonderful document outlining how to approach the issues in light of Revelation and the teachings of the Church.  Search online for “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” or use the link here and give it a read. Therein the bishops present that some issues simply matter more than others, such as the defense of innocent human life (without life there are no other rights), and at the same time our moral discernment of the most fundamental issues cannot simply ignore the other pressing issues facing our nation.  They go on to highlight that to vote for a candidate because they hold a position contrary to the faith is to cooperate with evil.  I urge you all to read the document.  You will be surprised by it…I know I was.  

Finally, no matter who wins the election, Jesus Christ is still King.  He is still on His throne.  He is not anxious, He is not worried.  And our task remains the same: to know, love, and serve God in this life so as to live with Him forever in the next; to proclaim the Gospel; to recognize that in the Kingdom of God no other person is my enemy.  The enemy is the Enemy.  Everyone else is a rebel to be won over to the side of Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
All you holy saints of God, pray for us!

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael Silloway