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Rise Against Hunger

Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 14…All Saints is partnering with Rise Against Hunger to help end hunger!

Rise Against Hunger is an organization on the front lines of the food shortage crisis in many parts of the world.  As their mission states, “Rise Against Hunger is a growing global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives, and responding to emergencies.”  They bring together people of good will to make meal kits that are then sent throughout the world where they are most needed.

It’s quite an operation!  They will turn the gym into a high-efficiency meal packing distribution center for a few hours on December 14th, all powered by you, the faithful of All Saints!  We will need volunteers to man rice measuring, protein and flavor pack insertion, quality control, sealing, packaging, labeling, and (my favorite) Gong Ringing when 1,000 meals are packed!  All volunteers are trained onsite.  It’s incredibly fun and rewarding, knowing that each person’s small effort will come together to make a real impact for a brother or sister in need.

Our goal is an ambitious 20,000 meals.  This is going to involve LOTS of hands and hearts.  This is a family-friendly event for all ages 8+.  Be on the lookout for more information on how to sign-up in upcoming bulletins and announcements.  

We will also need to raise $8,100 to cover the cost of this great event.  We will have a second collection on the weekend of October 5-6.  If you are able to support this it would be much appreciated!

Take a look at the included images to show a bit of how it looks and works!

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
All you holy saints of God, pray for us!

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael Silloway