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Who You Gonna Call?

Do you know that we have a Sacramental Emergency Line?  Fr. Tan and I take turns carrying a special cell phone for just this purpose.  Do you know how and when to use it?  I’m here to shine some light on this critical aspect of Sacramental Ministry at All Saints.

First, when should you call the Sacramental Emergency Line?  You should call that number (which is here in the bulletin and our website, and can be reached through the voicemail of the main parish phone number) when you or someone you are caring for is in danger of death.  When there’s been an accident, when a needed treatment isn’t working, or when it becomes clear that recovery isn’t likely. Call as soon as you can, not waiting till death is imminent if possible.

What happens when you call the Sacrament all Emergency Line?  You will hear my voice asking you to leave a message quickly explaining the situation and how to get in touch with you. Please speak clearly and repeat your phone number slowly.  One of the priests will call you back as quickly as humanly possible and arrange the Sacramental visit.  It’s a good idea to let nurses or administrative staff at the facility know that your priest is coming, as sometimes they think we are there just to visit, but if you let them know, things usually go much smoother.  For these life or death scenarios, you should call at any time of day or night.  We will do our very best to get to you or your loved one ASAP.

When should you not call the Emergency Line?  If you would like for a priest to visit yourself or someone you care for, either at home or in a care facility, but it is not a situation of life or death, call the parish office instead and we will arrange a visit.  Should you be in need of financial help, call St. Vincent de Paul’s help line, also listed on the front of the bulletin.  Because there are so many beautiful souls to care for and only two priests, we screen the calls and can only respond to Sacramental Emergencies.  It is our duty, to the best of our ability, to get the Last Rites to all in our parish who ask for them.  That’s why this line exists!

We are also happy to celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick with you any time you are seriously ill, frail from old age, or before a surgery. You can call the parish office or ask a priest after Mass and we’ll pray with you as soon as possible.

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
All you holy saints of God, pray for us!

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael