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Deus Providebit! (God will provide!)

Dear All Saints Family,

Thank you so very much for the warm welcome last weekend! I am truly grateful for the opportunity to meet so many of you and learn a little about your backgrounds as well. It makes me so excited for everything that this upcoming year will offer. Now, please permit me to offer one more introduction that, intertwined with a brief reflection, provides a new lens on the path that brought me here (I’m trying to not make these introductions too repetitive).

Before I begin, eagle-eyed observers might have noticed a change to the sanctuary this past weekend. As part of our on-going See the Saints campaign we have honored Our Blessed Mother under her title Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven). The essence of this title extends from Mary’s unique role as Mother of God and the corresponding intimate relationship that she possesses with the Most Holy Trinity. As such, with great love, we honor her under the title Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth. May her crown always remind us of the greatness of the victory of her son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the power of her intercession!

Now, returning to the title of this intro. I share with you the words, Deus Providebit, not simply because they are the motto of Notre Dame Seminary (NDS), where I have studied for the past four years. I share them with you because these words have been instrumental in my journey. For it was God’s providence that shepherded me through so many moments. There are simply too many examples to cite, but some of my favorites have been the graces from high school youth retreats, the manner in which God invited…drafted? me to be more involved at the Georgia Tech Catholic Center, and the ways that my life experiences have enabled me to connect with others such that it is clear, in hindsight, that God was working in my life in these moments. In earnest, I share these words because these were the words that came to me as I was finishing my last semester at Georgia Tech, applying for jobs, applying for seminary, and found myself simply overwhelmed. These were words that broke into my mind in that moment. Since then they have been with me in all the moments of life, but especially in times of anxiety, uncertainty, doubt, and confusion. It has been these words that have never failed.

Lastly, I hope and pray that you will join me in extending the same hospitality you showed me last weekend to Megan Engelen, our new Middle School Youth Minister, as she will be taking the opportunity to introduce herself at all the Masses this weekend.

Thank you, Lord, for all you are doing here at All Saints, and for inviting me to share in the work you are accomplishing in the lives of your people gathered here! 

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, pray for us!
All you holy saints, pray for us!

Peace in Christ,
Will Whitlow
Pastoral Year Seminarian