“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for what He is sending us every day in His goodness.”
St. Gianna Molla
Dear All Saints Parish Family,
Even though the national day of Thanksgiving has already come and gone, as St. Ginna rightly claims, true and abiding happiness is found in the rendering of thanks to God as we recognize His generosity each day. And as Eucharist literally means “thanksgiving,” each and every day is Thanksgiving Day!
Friends, He sends me YOU every day. I am so incredibly thankful to God for YOU. One of my favorite songs is Build My Life by a Christian band called Housefires, and the refrain of that song asks the Lord to “open up my eyes in wonder”. As I pray at Mass, I frequently find that refrain resounding in my mind, and I open up my own eyes…and I see…YOU.
You are resilient disciples of Jesus Christ. You are passionate members of the Body of Christ. You are generous and kind. You are patient and thoughtful. You have a beautiful devotion to the Holy Eucharist, to Our Lady, to the Divine Mercy, to the Works of Mercy. You love to celebrate and be together. You love to learn and go deeper in your faith.
What an honor it is to be your pastor. What a joy it is to praise God with you! What sacredness surrounds us as we come before the Lord each Mass to praise the Father together. This season of Thanksgiving, I’m keenly aware of God sending me YOU, so I thank God for YOU!
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael
Praised be Jesus Christ, Now and Forever!
All you holy saints of God, Pray for us!