Keeping Lent
Dear Parish Family,
I saw a rather shocking statistic the other day…allegedly, more than 50% of Catholics fail and give up on their Lenten offerings by the second Sunday of Lent! In many anecdotal accounts, people share that they gave up because they forgot about the meatless Fridays and figured, “Mission failed; let’s try again next year.”
To paraphrase St. Paul, how true is it that the only thing we can boast about is our weakness! I will admit that on a day or two I too have struggled to keep up with my Lenten practices. But we are called never to despair, never to give up hope. So let’s encourage one another, remembering what this holy season is all about: our returning to the Lord with our whole hearts, as we heard on Ash Wednesday’s first reading.
So here are some suggestions to re-engage with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving:
- Embrace Simplicity: Lent is a season for spiritual spring cleaning. Consider simplifying your daily routine. This may mean fasting not only from certain foods but also from social media, excessive entertainment, or constant noise. Create space for silence so that God’s voice may be more easily heard.
- Deepen Your Prayer Life: Prayer is the heart of Lent. If your prayer life feels stale, try something new. Pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays, commit to a daily Rosary, or spend time in Eucharistic Adoration. The goal is to encounter Christ personally and profoundly.
- Focus on Meaningful Fasting: Fasting is not merely about giving something up; it’s about creating room for God. Choose a fast that leads you closer to Him. For example, if you fast from television or social media, use that time to read Scripture or engage in family prayer.
- Practice Generous Almsgiving: Almsgiving reminds us to look beyond ourselves. Consider donating not only money but also your time. Volunteer at a local charity, visit the sick, or reach out to someone who may be lonely. Acts of charity soften our hearts and connect us with Christ in those who are suffering.
- Keep the Lord’s Day Holy: The Sundays of Lent are moments of refreshment in our journey. Attend Mass with intention and reverence, and dedicate part of the day to rest and spiritual renewal.
- Seek the Sacrament of Reconciliation: Lent is a powerful time for spiritual renewal. Don’t let this season pass without experiencing the healing grace of Confession. Through this sacrament, Christ restores us and strengthens us to continue our Lenten journey. Parishes all around–All Saints included–are offering penance services or increased confession times.
Just because we may have fallen short doesn’t mean we should throw in the towel. Begin again! The Lord is kind and merciful.
Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
All you holy saints of God, pray for us!
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael Silloway