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The Catholic Lenten Fish Fry: A Tasty Tradition with Deep Roots

Dear All Saints Parish Family,

One of the most familiar and beloved Lenten traditions in Catholic parishes across the country is
the Friday evening fish fry. When I first arrived at All Saints, the most common point of parish
praise I picked up on had to do with our Knights of Columbus Fish Fry. They are, after all,

While these gatherings are known for crispy fillets and french fries, a gym packed with
fellowship, and the chance of winning a few hundred dollars in the 50/50 raffle, their origins are
rich in history and steeped in the Church’s call to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

The practice of abstaining from meat on Fridays dates back to the earliest centuries of
Christianity. By the Middle Ages, the Church firmly established Friday abstinence as a universal
discipline, both to honor the day of Christ’s Passion and to promote spiritual sacrifice. Since fish
was considered a suitable alternative to meat, it became a natural staple for Friday meals.

Fish holds special significance in Christian tradition beyond its dietary role. In the early Church,
the fish symbol—known as the “Ichthys”—was a secret sign used by Christians to identify one
another during times of persecution. The Greek word for fish ΙΧΘΥΣ also served as an acronym
for “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.” In this way, fish became a powerful reminder of Christ
and His call to discipleship, with several of the apostles themselves having been fishermen.

Fast forward to 20th-century America, and the Lenten fish fry began to flourish in Catholic
communities. In particular, regions with strong immigrant populations—like the Midwest, where
German and Polish Catholics settled—popularized the idea of hosting communal fish dinners.

These gatherings became a practical way for parishes to both observe Lenten abstinence and
raise funds for their ministries.

Today, the Lenten fish fry remains a cherished tradition, especially here at All Saints. It blends
spiritual observance with social connection, offering families an opportunity to share a simple
meal together while supporting numerous local charities. I’d like to thank the Knights of
Columbus for the immense effort they put into each Friday of Lent. 

So the next time you savor that crispy, golden fish fillet or that perfect salmon or those delightful
fried shrimp, remember that you’re taking part in a tradition that spans centuries—one that
nourishes both body and soul.

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
All you holy saints of God, pray for us!

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael Silloway