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The Disciple Maker Index

Dear All Saints Parish Family,

Being a Christian has been a challenge in every age of the Church. This happens because what the Church believes about God and salvation is almost never in concert with how a society or its culture understands itself, let alone how it may (or may not) address such things as life after death or eternity. These, of course, are not the only things we believe; but they are vital to understanding almost everything that we do believe as well as how we live the Catholic-Christian Faith.

Yet, in every age, Christians believe they have a responsibility to be the best disciple of their Lord and Savior as they can be. They may not be perfect (even the saints were not perfect), but all Christians are called to holiness. This remains central to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council of the mid-1960s because holiness is an integral part of what it means to have received the Sacrament of Baptism.

The Disciple Maker Index, a survey we have partnered with the Catholic Leadership Institute to provide, allows you to assess how you may be doing both in your discipleship of Christ as well as in your spiritual growth. By doing this assessment in the survey like the Disciple Maker Index, it gives the leadership team of our parish valuable insights into discovering ways that we can help make you, our parishioners, yet better Christian disciples. This, in turn, can assist you in finding the joy of being a Catholic Christian which may help others to discover their faith in God, too.

I would love to see 100% parishioner participation!  The Disciple Maker Index survey will be live on Saturday, March 8. You can click the link below to participate. All your responses are completely confidential. No member of the Parish staff or our leadership team will ever have access to your individual answers.

The link to the All Saints survey is HERE.

If you have questions about the survey or if have any issues in taking it, please contact Jen Nelson at jen@allsaintsdunwoody.org or Seminarian Will at wwhitlow@allsaintsdunwoody.org.

Please continue to pray for this intention and for the growth and protection of our parish!

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
All you holy saints of God, pray for us!

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Michael Silloway